Redlands Primary School

  1. Statutory Information
  2. School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan

Quality of Education - INTENT Quality of Education - IMPLEMENTATION Leadership and Management Personal Development

Behaviour and Attitudes

Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is truly comprehensive and accessible to all pupils.

Provide opportunities for all pupils to develop a high level of literacy and numeracy required for success in the wider curriculum and adult life. 

The aims of the EYFS are met and it is appropriately ambitious for the children it serves. Staff ensure that the content, sequencing and progression in the 7 areas of learning are secured.

Deliver opportunities for students to learn to be successful, gain useful, transferable skills whilst also acquiring relevant knowledge.

The work given enables pupils to achieve the aims and ambition of the curriculum, which is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge.

Over the course of study, teaching is designed to help pupils to remember long term the content they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into larger ideas.

Teachers have good knowledge of the subject(s) they teach. Leaders provide effective support, including for those teaching outside of their main subject expertise.

Teachers will be able to talk confidently about where their lessons fit into the overall school picture and how they are checking children are secure in the knowledge and skills.

Subject leaders will be able to show evidence of their monitoring and subsequent actions they have taken.

Opportunities to review task design (such as book looks and moderation meetings) will show that tasks have been designed with accessibility and deeper level thinking in mind.

There is a whole school process for discussing the outcomes of assessment and logging subsequent actions.

Robust system for PM which promotes CPD and is aligned to the SIP.

Ensure that all pupils are able to thrive and develop as healthy individuals and good citizens.

Re-establish a ‘values led’ education .

Develop a program for teaching, learning and celebrating the school values.

Implement the National Trust/DfE passport program.

Identify the behaviours we expect to see from all stakeholder groups in line with the values – develop a shared language and ethos.

Implement a DFE/National Trust passport system or similar. 

Embed the school behaviour expectations into PSHE lessons and personal development activities to create a school DNA.