Redlands Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. PSHE

Relationships and Health Education

At Redlands Primary School, our Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education is a vital part of our commitment to nurturing confident, healthy, and resilient pupils. Our PSHE curriculum is designed not only to meet statutory requirements but also to proactively support pupils' wellbeing, personal development, and success in all areas of life.

We aim to create a culture of wellbeing that extends beyond supporting pupils in times of crisis. Through carefully planned lessons and enrichment opportunities, we teach children the skills they need to manage emotions, build positive relationships, make safe choices, and navigate challenges with confidence. Our curriculum is designed to be proactive and preventative, addressing both local and national issues to help pupils understand and respond to the world around them.

Our PSHE programme empowers pupils with the skills they need to succeed now and in the future, focusing on practical life skills, emotional literacy, and mental health alongside preparation for later life and the world of work. We view PSHE as a crucial element in preventing negative outcomes by promoting resilience, empathy, and informed decision-making.

We use pupil voice to shape our PSHE provision, ensuring it is inclusive, engaging, and responsive to the needs of all children. Feedback helps us adapt content to ensure every child feels supported and successful. Additionally, we use school, local and national safeguarding information to identify emerging trends in wellbeing, allowing us to tailor PSHE lessons to address specific needs within our school community.

Our teaching staff are supported through ongoing CPD and training, enabling them to deliver sensitive and challenging topics effectively and in ways that are accessible and meaningful for all pupils. The leadership of PSHE is actively engaged with staff, pupils, parents, and the wider school community to ensure our curriculum evolves and continues to meet the needs of our pupils.

By embedding PSHE into our school culture, we aim to empower our pupils to become resilient, respectful, and responsible citizens, fully equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world.